Sunday, December 25, 2005

Left handed compliments of the season!

If this is the one time of year you contemplate peace and giving, I am glad for all of us that you have at least one occasion for that.

If this is only one of several holidays or other special times when you are able and encouraged to think of others and the gifts of life and nature we all share, I am all the happier.

If not, well then I hope you get more than presents.


The Editor said...

Have a good one, GreenSmile... :-)

Beth said...

I read your beautiful comment about lighting a candle and just had to stop by to wish you a merry and festive holiday.

I lit my candles!

Davoh said...

Life .. is indeed, a precious gift.
Hope that you have a long and fulfilling one GS.
Cheers, and thanks for your wisdom.